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My Journey Round The World » Blog Archive » Boston!

My Journey Round The World

279 days on the road…



I finally made it!!!… Never 2 (in March I couldn’t fly because of my passport picture…) without 3, the 3nd one is the good one! Luckily it works, after:

  • 70 pounds rebooking fees – i was expecting much more, I didn’t even think to ask for an upgrade, I’m sure with my crying face it could have work for free :) ,
  • 5 hours waiting, where I was every minutes checking the board to know where I need to run for the gate…
  • beeing scared that my luggage won’t follow ; but no problem on that !

Arrival in Boston around midnight European time. My friend Alex really though I didn’t want to visit him :) It was already dark :( We went quickly shooping, had light diner where he explain to me the nice programme he planned for my 3 days here & I went to bed for a good night sleep after this adventure!

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Tu as enfin pris ton avion!
Et pour la bonne destination!
Belle performance Alex, vivement le prochain vol, hi, hi; hi!
(Tu as pas croisé Arnaud? Il viens de revenir des states….)

Tout moment est dernier, parce qu’il est unique. Marguerite Yourcenar

Profites-en à fond tite Alex ;o)

Thinking about You !

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