A total of 275 individual falls occupy an area more than 3km wide and 80m high, which makes them wider than Victoria, higher than Niagara and really impressive to see as to hear!  It’s impossible to say which side of the border is the more rewarding: the Parque Nacional do Iguaçu in Brazil offers a more panoramic view of the totality of the 275 falls, while the Parque Nacional Iguazú in Argentina provides an up-close and personal experience – as Lonely Planet say
For me, both are worth it.
The Brazilian visit is quicker – around 2 hours – really well organised with people informing you in 4 languagues – I could speak a bit of German - on how it is working and you’re more wet
I think it’s also the only side where you can get a helicopter ride and it also does not feel as crowded as the other side!!!
On the Argentinean side – more expensive! And more than 3 times the price of what locals pay for foreigners! – you can spend the day walking around the different paths, taking the small train, exploring the San Martin Island – when opened! - or as in Brasil, going on a boad trip close to the falls on both side. I actually saw more animals than in Brazil, except for the beautiful and friendly butterfly landing on you on both side I’ve seen monkeys – loving to pose for pictures
– hummingbird – Seb you would have been happy! – spiders and some other bird, I’m sure Catherine will tell me the name of…
On the Argentinean side I bump into Holly, one of the Australian girl with whom we did the Inka trail! And on my way back to Puerto Iguazú, I met Adam – with whom we did the Christmasshare event in Sucre – I knew he was not far away as we catch up with him on Facebook the day before – yes indeed! – Funny how travelers world can be so small…