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My Journey Round The World » United States

My Journey Round The World

279 days on the road…

Boston-Vancouver Trip

 18 hours trip… 2 planes, 1 bus… After only 3 hours sleep the night before… I arrived exhausted!!! What an idea not to take a flight from Boston to Vancouver! But I might also had some surprise as the connexion in Washington DC not plan on my journey… Anyway this is another mistake which I think won’t be the last one… :) At least I had some fun…

  • Arriving at the airport by motorbike at 4:30 am :)
  • Meeting a nice old couple – on a trip for their 50 years wedding anniversary! Yes, this is possible! – in the plane to Seattle, offering to drive me to Vancouver! We had nice chat which helps to survive this 5 hours flight without anything to eat! Nearly worse than travelling with Ryanair, ok at least they offer something to drink!
  • Having a nice chat with a helpfull man in Seattle airport before taking the bus,
  • Travelling with a really funny bus driver to Vancouver, making jokes every now and then;
  • Without mentionning the nice view on the way, even if with my lake of sleep I more wanted to sleep than to watch the landscape!


The Freedom Trail


The Freedom Trail is a 4 km long path through downtown Boston that passes 16 of the city’s historic landmarks. The only thing you have to do is to follow the red line on the pavement & look around you :) Ok,  it’s better when you realise that at the beginning of the trail & not in the middle! It looks a bit like if you where a sheep but it’s so practical! No more book or map needed, just the red line to follow…

I went up the Bunker Hill Monument: 294 steps in spiral staircase. I love counting the stairs, but here you don’t even need it – or maybe just to check if they didn’t do any mistake! As it’s written every 25 steps where you are… – My legs are still feeling it! After that, I had a quick & nice lunch in the sun at the Faneuil Hall – Old Market building first build in 1742. Later on I met Alex for a really nice boat trip with a gorgeous sunset on the way back to Boston harbour. After this wonderfull view, we went for a diner with my cousine’s cousine: Julia & Amanda. It was really funny to speak about your family members with people you don’t know & which are also part of this family :)


Motorbike Tour in New England

2009-SEPTEMBRE-USA-new england by motorbike

Beautiful motor bike tour  in New England today – Guy, guess what: it was a BMW :) Perfect weather & wonderful landscape. I forgot this feeling of freedom while your seeing the landscape passing… What was quite impressive, it’s the car… Most of them are really huge compare to Europe! Without mentionning the trucks!

Visit to Rockport where we eat fresh fish & brought back a lobster for diner – Daddy, you would love the place! Nice tour around the villages & all the small harbour around. It was a peaceful and quiet day. On the way back Alex was afraid I’ll fall over and actually I nearly did… Falling asleep behind him, as usual when I’m too tired… :)


Cambridge-Harvard – Beacon Hill


First day on my own, in an unknown city… At least I can speak the language, even if I need to ask people to repeat from time to time – it’s too quick! So yesterday I went to visit the prestigious Harvard campus. Harvard Yard is a nice & peaceful area with many seats to have a rest or to study! Colorfull chairs everywhere in the garden, snacks around, nice cantine (only for students) as in Harry Potter!

In the Cambridge city around I discover an interesting project, the Wheel Questions: It’s an art installation touring outdoor public spaces. You can write a question on a card, and Johnny will turn it over and write an answer on the back from a secular philosophy about thinking clearly and being proactive. The cards are posted online (http://wheelquestions.org) and on a big outdoor wheel for everyone to be inspired by. So funny to find out that this philosophy is really close of my way of thinking since I start to organise this adventure…

Here you can also find people asking for money while chatting on the phone…

Then, I head toward the lovely Beacon Hill area! Walking through Charles & Mount Vernon Street which combine fashionable boutiques & contemporary restaurants, cobblestone streets, bricks side walk, gas street lanterns… which characterize is Victorian charm!

After this nice charming promenade, I end up at Boston Common & Public Garden, where I took a rest while drinking a refreshing Lemonade :) watching such small kids already training for baseball & little squirrels all over the place. :)

And true, I need to apologies for missing the flight… SORRY!!! Steph & THANK  YOU & Freddy for this nice relaxing days at home :)



I finally made it!!!… Never 2 (in March I couldn’t fly because of my passport picture…) without 3, the 3nd one is the good one! Luckily it works, after:

  • 70 pounds rebooking fees – i was expecting much more, I didn’t even think to ask for an upgrade, I’m sure with my crying face it could have work for free :) ,
  • 5 hours waiting, where I was every minutes checking the board to know where I need to run for the gate…
  • beeing scared that my luggage won’t follow ; but no problem on that !

Arrival in Boston around midnight European time. My friend Alex really though I didn’t want to visit him :) It was already dark :( We went quickly shooping, had light diner where he explain to me the nice programme he planned for my 3 days here & I went to bed for a good night sleep after this adventure!