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My Journey Round The World » New Zealand

My Journey Round The World

279 days on the road…

New Zealand feedback coming soon…


Hello! Yes, yes, I know, I’m really late with the last infos… I took some times to recover from the last event in Chile. It was terrifying! But yeh, I guess this is part of the game! Anyway, I’ll go back for sure to Argentina & Chile! They are my 2 favorite countries so far. Landscapes are amasing and people really friendly!!!
Even though this bad event, I’m still really happy about my decision! This was scary and beeing all alone there was really hard and frightening but I met again wonderful people on my way.

So far NZ is great, however pretty expensive and a bit too english for me, too superficial people compare to the warmth of South American ones…

Ariane will arrive in a bit more than 2 hours now… I can’t wait to see her again! I’m so glad that we will spend 2 weeks together before I go to Australia. ;)

I’ll come back soon with New Zealand and the wonderful landscapes of Lake Tekapo, Mount Cook - the highest mountain in NZ! – new experience such as sailing day in Lyttelton as well as new encounters :) Lot to tell you about!

New Zealand!


Christchurch – New Zealand!!! :) I finally made it with 1 day delay and more than 7 hours waiting at the airport. The earthquake experience was really scary – I think I never had so much fear in my life!!!

Luckily I’m safe and New Zealand seems to be incredible! I can’t wait for Ariane to arrive next week!

Thanks you so much for your support, it mean a lot to me! I’ll make sure to answer to each one of you as soon as I can.
